Pray for CO in Atlanta!

Prayer Requests

1. That the emotional weight of this season would produce spiritual interest, hunger, and love for Christ in students

2. That the peace of the gospel would overcome our fears and anxieties

3. That we would not fall back into old temptations and habits, but that we would run hard after God through this time

4. As students do online learning from home, that they would carry the gospel with them and have a great impact on their families and friends back home

Stories of Encouragement

“Tonight at the Liberty[dorm] Bible study on Zoom, when we were reviewing what we had learned, Sara said that a few weeks ago in the study she realized that to be a Christian we must trust in Jesus’ record, and that he is enough!!  She said that she believes this! I believe she became a Christian during the study!!! Please pray that her faith is genuine and that she grows to be deeply rooted in the Lord!“- Tarrah, College of Charleston staff

Have a story of God continuing to work in the midst of uncertainty you’d like to share? Email


Missed praying with us last week? Check out the videos and prayer requests from each of last week’s locations right here.

Tomorrow, start your week off right by praying for CO St. Louis!.png
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