Equipping In Controversy

As political and racial tensions continue to threaten church unity across the United States, we are thankful for God’s continued guidance for Campus Outreach. Our staff are dedicated to building the next generation of leaders for Christ, and equipping students during this tumultuous time is part of that mission.

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Bennett Rolan Comments
Waiting Isn't Wasted

For two years, Carrie Lewis and her team developed real friendships with a group of Thai students at Maejo University in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

“We regularly invested in the friendships and had a lot of hope for them, praying for them often,” Carrie shared. “We felt like if one or two of them came to know the Lord, their friends and boyfriends would get involved and become interested as well.”

But when Carrie’s two-year commitment with the LEAD program ended, she returned to the U.S. without seeing any real change.

Four months later, after continuing to pray, Carrie received a surprising e-mail.

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Bennett RolanComment