LEAD prepares interns on and off the mission field

Nik Weber weighed his options after graduation. With several promising job opportunities, his path seemed straightforward. But when Nik looked ahead, he kept asking, “What if?”

What if he stepped out of his comfort zone? What if he allowed God to direct his next steps? 

“I knew I wasn’t going to have more freedom at any other time in my life. I was single, without anything holding me back, so I prayed for opportunities to be faithful,” Nik said.

After looking into several overseas ministry options, Nik decided to become a LEAD intern with Campus Outreach SERVE and committed to moving to Thailand for two years. 

But jumping into full-time ministry in a foreign culture required more than just a plane ticket. From basic needs like setting up an international bank account to exploring unexpected cultural nuances, Nik didn’t know where to begin. 

The LEAD program exists to fill that gap. Before entering the mission field, Nik attended five days of training that answered those basic questions and offered expertise from seasoned missionaries. 

“Two missionaries who served in Thailand for over 25 years did two portions of our training,” Nik shared. “They walked us through the process of grieving and leaving America, prepared us to be flexible in our expectations, and gave a real snapshot of what our new life would look like.”

Nik’s LEAD support didn’t end there. Just two months after arriving in Thailand, Nik and his fellow interns completed a two-month assessment to help determine their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Months later, they took a stress assessment to gauge their emotional health. One year after arriving, they attended an international LEAD conference to meet other interns and receive more extensive training and ministry skills. 

“The CO SERVE staff was always available to help. At no point were we ever on an island,” Nik shared. “The staff was less focused on keeping us in the field than they were on our spiritual health in 5, 10, or even 20 years. They didn’t treat us like 2-year employees. Everything was designed to help us grow individually and in ministry. We often evaluated our work to make sure we were being faithful. Because of that, I am better able to locate and fill needs.” 

Nik’s two-year commitment recently ended, and he returned to the U.S. with a new perspective on ministry and living for Christ.

“Through the LEAD program, we were able to learn our giftings and passions in ministry in a very gracious environment,” he said. “Being able to learn our tendencies in both social and work settings was helpful to better understand each individual's modus operandi. Knowing our temperaments, talents, and personal convictions meant that we must steward all of those well.”

Two weeks after his return, Nik attended a 3-day debrief through CO SERVE.  Nik and other LEAD interns worked with seasoned CO staff to help acclimate to life off of the mission field. 

Nik left those three days with a clear picture of how God could use the skills he learned in Thailand. While some LEAD interns prepared to return overseas, others explored how they could make an impact for Christ in the workplace. Nik plans to use his renewed passion for campus ministry when he joins the CO staff at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tenn. 

“I went to Thailand without a clear picture of my talents or my purpose,” Nik shared. “I’m entering full-time ministry at Rhodes with a deeper understanding of my strengths and areas for growth. I’m prepared to be patient in ministry, allowing God to work while understanding the importance of using every opportunity with students strategically.” 

Though full-time ministry in the U.S. will offer a new set of challenges for Nik, he feels prepared to face difficulties after two years of life training in LEAD. 

CO SERVE and LEAD exist because of your continued prayers and support. We thank you for partnering with us in our commitment to train the next generation of leaders for Christ in the U.S. and around the world.

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