Impact that lasts a lifetime

For months, Samuel Barker noticed that his college friends were different. After growing up in church, Samuel felt comfortable with religion, but the guys he met through Campus Outreach genuinely lived out their faith.

Still, those casual friendships weren’t enough to make an eternal impact. It wasn’t until attending New Year’s Conference in 2011 that the gospel’s power firmly took root in his heart.

“It was so impactful for me because I never realized how fun and joy-filled the Christian life could be. Having that authentic experience allowed me to see that Christ was better than anything the world could offer me,” he shared. “NYC is so unique because it creates an environment for unbelievers to have fun, build genuine relationships, and hear gospel-soaked talks that challenge them and call them to a decision.”

After that weekend, Samuel would never be the same. 

“God completely transformed my heart and life,” he said. “I knew that I wanted to live a completely transformed life and stop living conformed to the world. God gave me a new heart. As I grew in my understanding of God’s Word, I could not ignore the personal responsibility and privilege that God gives us to be a part of completing the Great Commission.

Because God had radically changed my life, I knew that I had to give myself to pointing others to Jesus.”

Responding to that call, Samuel joined the CO staff in North Carolina, where he and his wife, Katy, served for four years. Their time on the campus was meaningful, but both felt compelled to serve overseas, ministering to students without access to the gospel. 

Just weeks ago, Samuel, Katy, and their 8-month-old daughter left friends and family to join a CO expansion team in Birmingham, England.

“Though we are not moving to minister directly to an unreached people group, we are crossing cultures for the sake of reaching students with the gospel of Jesus Christ in a multi-ethnic context,” he said. “Birmingham has the youngest population (by age) in all of Europe and is very diverse and spiritually needy.”

  • 20% Muslim

  • 20% irreligious

  • Only about 6% of the population attends church regularly 

“I have a specific desire to reach Muslim students and to have an impact on the rest of the Muslim world because of what God is doing through a student movement in the UK.”

This new expansion has the potential to reach countless non-believers for Christ, and for Samuel, those early years in CO built “a solid foundation in the faith that will last a lifetime.”

“For me, that was developing a deep love for Jesus, studying the Word of God, having a prayer life, sharing my faith, and having world vision,” he shared. “Even in the struggles of a transition like this one, God brings me back to the foundation, reminds me that He is worthy of this calling, and helps me stay committed to advancing this mission in the world.”

How to Pray for Samuel and Katy:

  • Pray that what we build early on helps CO Birmingham UK become a thriving, multiplying movement that raises up leaders that impact the whole world.

  • Pray for me, Katy, and our 8-month-old daughter, Lilias, in this transition. Pray for a healthy lifestyle for our little family and that we would bless many with our love and hospitality.

  •  Pray for our whole team; the Harris family, Jake, Hayley, and our partnership with City Church. Pray for unity, understanding, and shared vision and zeal.

  • Pray for God to continue providing everything we need for this mission; support, prayer warriors, other resources, etc.

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