Move-in Month


Over the coming weeks in Birmingham, England, close to 100,000 students will pour into the three major Universities. History shows these students will arrive with mixed emotions. On the one hand, they are excited, energetic, and hopeful for this new chapter in their lives. On the other, they struggle with loneliness, anxiety, and uncertainty about their beliefs about life, faith, and truth. CO staff in Birmingham will be working across all three of these Universities this fall and will be looking forward to building relationships with these students through meals, events, sports, hospitality, and time together. 

Please join in praying for the following:

1. For staff to serve the incoming students well and to form good relationships.
2. For spiritual interest that might lead to opportunities to share the gospel.
3. For wisdom while sharing with many students from different nationalities and faith backgrounds!

Do you know someone who would be encouraged by this story? You can direct them to the blog or click here to print a copy of the story to share!

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