Pray for CO Columbus
Prayer Requests
James 1 says if you lack wisdom, ask God. We need wisdom to plan, adjust, and serve at this time. Please ask God to give us wisdom.
James 2 warns against seeing needs and taking no action to help. Please pray that we will not be so focused on our disappointments and changes in our plans that we overlook the greater suffering and challenges around us. Pray that we will be sensitive to those and take steps to serve.
James 4 talks about our boasting about going here or there and doing this or that. Pray that this hits home in a deeper way as we feel powerless and limited more than ever before. Pray this leads to an ongoing humility that embraces our limits and our trust in God.
Finally James 5 ends mentioning Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, yet his prayers stopped the rain for three years and brought it back. Pray that in our weakness, we will pray to God boldly with great hope, faith, and confidence.
Missed praying with us last week? Check out the videos and prayer requests from each of last week’s locations right here.