Worldwide Day of Prayer

In Matthew 9:36-38 Jesus sees the helpless crowds and acknowledges the need for laborers. His first instruction is not to strategize or make plans; His response is prayer.  "Beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest field." CO Serve exists to serve all Campus Outreach ministries laboring under the authority of their local churches around the world and one way we are doing that is by helping provide a platform for intentional movement-wide prayer each year.  The 2023 Worldwide Day of Prayer time is planned for NEXT WEEK!

Last year at least 500 staff, supporters, and church members joined together for 24 hours of continuous prayer. One of the later hours was spent praying for laborers to be built and sent in Dallas, TX and Monterrey, Mexico. In attendance were two graduates from the University of Texas in Dallas: Ben was serving on LEAD staff in Monterrey and Chase called in from Lusaka, Zambia even though it was 4 AM local time! Both of these gentlemen joined the prayers for God to send laborers from DFW into the world not knowing that within a year’s time, the Lord would answer their prayers and both men would recommit to labor longer in these harvest fields.  

We will join together throughout April 4th (5th for Australia) and ask that the Lord would bring His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven and bring fruit to our labors across the globe. These requests are not without merit! He has answered our prayers in the past and we trust that He will continue to answer in keeping with His own promises to His people. 

CO SERVE staff have worked with Regional Directors to partner two regions together to pray each hour.  We would love for you to participate and encourage inviting students, alumni, supporters, and your church members to join in.

 Each region’s time slot is listed on the graphic below and anyone can sign up at the link here.