Unity promotes growth in Tasman

“I hope that in five years, there are more campuses in Australia and New Zealand with a (CO) ministry.

I hope each team is well-supplied with passionate men and women of vision and strong character.


I hope that more students are coming to Christ and more leaders are being raised up to serve in local churches, workplaces, and in foreign missions,” said Grant Linneman, campus director of Uni-Impact (CO) Brisbane. 

Campus Outreach’s Tasman ministries are in close proximity to one another and are well-positioned to connect and expand. Made up of three autonomous CO franchises — Brisbane, Dunedin, and Christchurch — these staffs believe they can reach more students for Christ if they work together.

“If our region can leverage the God-given gifts of each man and woman on our team, we will be in a much stronger position to grow," Grant said.

On an administrative level, connecting the three groups can help meet immediate staff and resource needs. Recently, one of the teams had a surplus of female staff, while another needed a more substantial female presence. The answer to send female applicants where they are most needed may seem simple, but this new thinking could revolutionize staff processing for the entire area.

“Streamlining some of those processes allows us to use our gifts in a broader area,” said David Richards, campus director for Engage Otago (Dunedin).

This spirit of unity is built on a foundation of trust and friendship. The regions have shared Leadership Projects and Cross Cultural Projects as needed for years, but a more strategic partnership is still in the early stages.

For now, the three staffs connect on a monthly phone call and through an annual planning retreat. By capitalizing on unique experiences, natural gifting, and resources, the three Tasman ministries hope to expand to new locations in Australia and New Zealand.

From there, a broader reach may be possible.

“Australia and New Zealand are positioned in a corner of the world that often lacks gospel outreach and established churches. There are many unreached people groups across South-East Asia and the Pacific regions,” Grant said. “The spiritual soil in Australia is tough, but as God builds laborers, Australia and New Zealand would be well placed to be a part of resourcing and serving the spread of the gospel in this part of the world.”

With increased global communication and personal connections through CCPs and staff movement, CO franchises have unprecedented opportunities to support one another while maintaining their unique goals and ministry visions.

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