The Evangelistic Fervor of a New Believer


When Shalom, an indigenous staff in Lusaka, was asked how she met her friend Precious, she quickly responded, “Precious met me.” This illustrates the nature of the woman Shalom discipled on the University of Zambia’s campus last year perfectly. Precious is a pursuer of people.

Precious (pictured here) had seen Shalom’s bible as she sat preparing for a bible study in a campus common area. She desired to meet a Christian friend, and so she walked up and introduced herself. Precious had committed to follow Christ not long before that time, and she shared with Shalom about her heart for the lost, the desperate prayers she prays for her Muslim brother, and the desire she has for her nominally Christian family to truly know Christ.


She pursued time with a group of volunteering Muslim students to experience what they do so that she could better reach them and her brother. Shalom mused, “You do stuff like this in your free time?” Precious longed to enter into their world to be able to love them well. 

Precious learned much from Shalom through life-on-life discipleship, and she asked Shalom to disciple her friend, Lusa. Shalom suggested, “Why don’t you disciple Lusa while I disciple you?” So she did! 

Precious moved to a different campus and attends another church, but she still pursues her relationship with Shalom and is sharing the gospel where the Lord has placed her. Shalom shares, “She doesn’t have any hindrances on her faith or her love for Christ and what He’s calling her to do. It’s been really encouraging to see how she lives out her faith practically.” Precious consistently calls Shalom to ask, “What do I do next?


“... And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.”

2 Timothy 2:2

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