The Church at Work in Monterrey

Commitment to the local church is one of Campus Outreach’s core values. Jesus established his Church to have the keys to the kingdom, and CO partners with the Church. It is vital for every CO ministry to have a solid local church if they are to flourish. The ministry in Monterrey, Mexico, collaborated with San Pedro Church and the City-to-City Network to plant a new church near Tecnologico de Monterrey (Monterrey Tech), widely considered the top university in all of Mexico. Years were invested to establish a strong core group, and in October of 2022, Iglesia Núcleo held its inaugural service. Since then, the church has become a welcoming place for university students. Many who had never stepped into a Christian church are now regular attendees. Bety is one of those students.

Bety transferred to Monterrey Tech as a second-year student. Her close friend from high school, Daniella, was involved with Campus Outreach and invited her to a few CO events: parties, coffees, and game nights. Bety found the community to be loving and filled with Christ-like people who cared for her, which made her want to be around them more. Still, when the staff asked to start reading the Bible together, Bety wasn’t willing. Then, the church was planted. 

Like many in Mexico, Bety grew up in a nominally Catholic home. Once Iglesia Núcleo opened, she attended church every Sunday and never wanted to miss an evangelistic event. She even started helping and serving within the church. After observing the life change happening to students in discipleship groups, she desired to experience it herself. On staff with Campus Outreach, Christina began meeting with Bety and a couple of other girls to read the Bible together. After a few meetings, Bety shared that she was understanding Christianity for the first time. Still, when asked, she said she was not a Christian. 

Finally, after months of reading the Bible and hearing the gospel preached every Sunday, she committed her life to Christ! Bety is the first person in the Iglesia Núcleo community to become a new believer! She is currently in a Grupo Incio (Beginning Group) with Christina and is learning what it means to be a follower of Jesus. 

Pray for Iglesia Nucleo! Pray that more families will join, that unbelievers will continue coming and that God’s sheep will have a place to be fed and grow. Pray for its leadership: Luis (pastor), Ale (CO staff), and Rodrigo (CO staff), and please pray that Bety will be rooted and established in the faith. 

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