Spiritual Multiplication and the NYC
Seth Terrell’s brother invited him to attend the CO New Year’s Conference every year from his last year in high school through his first three years of college. In 1997, Seth finally attended, and a month later, he gave his life to Christ. In the following years, Seth and his brother took turns driving back and forth between Tuscaloosa and Birmingham every week to meet in a discipleship group.
Seth grew in his faith and multiplied his life for the Lord, and when he graduated in 2000, he went on staff with Campus Outreach. In the 24 years he’s been on staff, he’s attended the New Year’s Conference and brought an average of 20 students each time. That’s around 480 students exposed to the hope of the gospel through the New Year’s Conference. God changed Seth’s life through his brother’s invitation to the conference — what if the Lord changed the lives of these 480 students in the same way?
When Seth attended his first New Year’s Conference, there was only one. Now, hundreds of students will attend New Year’s Conferences in five locations across the nation. Each one of these students has a life that could be impacted for eternity, and God could use each of those lives to reach hundreds more. Would you pray with us that these upcoming conferences would be tools in the hand of our Savior and that those attending would encounter the Lord more deeply? Pray with us that God would build up these students into laborers in the Harvest for His glory.