Multiplication - It Works!


After sharing about her ministry with Campus Outreach (CO) at a Missions Conference, Melanie met two other visiting women in ministry, Debby and Dana. After introductions, Debby explained that she had discipled Dana at the University of Montevallo while on staff with Campus Outreach from 1982–1985. Dana had gone on to join the CO staff at Troy State University, where she met and discipled Tammy. 

Melanie smiled because that was a name she knew as a student at the University of South Alabama. Tammy had ministered to CO staff there and had told Melanie about the gospel. After Melanie surrendered her life to Christ, Tammy discipled her, helping her grow in her faith and teaching her how to share the Truth with others. 

Melanie eagerly told Debby and Dana how she had labored with Campus Outreach in Brazil and had the privilege of seeing Lorrayne come to know Christ personally. Then, just last year, Carina became a Christian, and Lorrayne is now meeting with her to teach her the things she learned from Melanie, who learned from Tammy, who learned from Dana, who learned from Debby!

Debby and Carina may never meet this side of heaven. Still, Carina is fruit from a spiritual lineage of women committed to seeing others come into a relationship with Jesus AND equipped as laborers to make disciples. God’s multiplication plan for reaching the world works! Profoundly impacting a few can lead to generations of laborers reaching the world for Christ! 

“... And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2

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