Snapshot: Locker Room Talk


God's Spirit is moving powerfully in the University of South Alabama’s athletic department. Currently, 35 guys are engaged in Bible studies and spiritual conversations on the baseball team. Players who have come to faith are leading small group discussions with their teammates and sharing the gospel with them. This picture shows 20 guys studying the Bible in the locker room. They are looking at Ephesians 2:1-10 together and discussing the gospel of God's Grace.

Last week, three baseball players surrendered their lives to Christ in this locker room. The Holy Spirit’s moving was palpable as teammates encircled these men and prayed through tears. One of our new brothers-in-Christ said, 


“I’ve never been a part of anything like this in my life. I am at a loss for words for what happened tonight. I have finally given my life to Jesus and have never felt so free. All the weight of all the burden of my sins has been lifted off my shoulders. God brought me 24 hours away from my home to Mobile, Alabama, and gave me an amazing group of guys that I love. I want to thank the guys who introduced me to Jesus and the wonderful life that he brings. I have been trying to fill this emptiness that I’ve had for a long while.”


Pray for these new believers to grow deep roots in the Faith. Pray that God would continue to move among the University of South Alabama athletes and draw men and women to Himself.

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