"I emptied my bank account..."

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Over a year ago, Trevian Smith* walked into the 2017 New Year’s Conference with serious spiritual doubts. But days later, he left with the assurance of salvation in Christ.

From the beginning, Trevian was an unlikely candidate for Christianity. At his first Campus Outreach meeting, his hostility was evident as he walked onto the stage and took the microphone from the speaker. He loudly questioned the gospel, asking others to affirm his doubts.

Instead of matching his aggressive tone, students and leaders spent time with Trevian discussing his questions and forming friendships built on trust.

Last year, when he considered attending New Year’s Conference in 2017, there were plenty of reasons not to go. But a CO donor offered to pay for his trip. Surrounded by students who surrendered their doubts, fears, and hopes to Christ, Trevian’s heart softened as he grasped the overwhelming grace of the gospel. 

God changed Trevian Smith’s life at that conference, and continued to develop his faith during Summer Beach Project in 2018.

Battling a difficult home life and with little family support, Trevian struggled with consistency but continued to follow Christ.

Last semester, as New Year's Conference 2018 was approaching, Trevian remembered the generosity that led to his life change and took a bold step.

Because he desired others to have the same life-changing encounter with Christ as he did, Trevian emptied his hard-earned savings account to send several friends to the 2018 New Year’s Conference.

Trevian, an unlikely candidate for Christ, counted the cost and invested in eternity.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth...but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven... For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Matthew 6:19-21

* name changed for privacy

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