Happy New Year! Holding the Rope in 2024


“I will go down if you will hold the rope.”


Carey spoke these words to his friend, Andrew Fuller, as he considered leaving England to take the gospel to "the deep mines" of India. For the rest of Fuller's life, he faithfully fulfilled his commitment to never let go of the rope by recruiting, raising funds, solving challenges, and being a friend to Carey until his death. As a result, the kingdom advanced in India, and Carey is known as the "father of modern missions."

CO SERVE exists to “hold the rope.” The SERVE office provides the needed preparation and training before staff are deployed and the ongoing leadership development, training, coaching, and evaluation while staff are on the field. Campus Outreach exists as 35 connected ministry locations serving university students in 13 countries. The gospel is advancing in partnership with 39 hub churches through 700+ missionaries serving over 100 campuses.

Heading into this new year, we asked staff worldwide how we might “hold the rope” in prayer with them. Here are some of the replies: 

  • “A fruitful and powerful Midwest Staff Conference in May!” Paul Poteat - Midwest Network Director

  • “We are receiving a CCP from Florida to analyze a potential new Guadalajara campus. We need guidance and prayer for this new step.” Elifelet Astorga - ITESO Univ, CO Guadalajara

  • “We trust God to fully understand the Disney show “Bluey” in Greek by May 2024! Kinda funny, but learning Greek is our world right now.” Nate Frantz - Athens, Greece

  • “In 2024, I am trusting God to grow a desire in our young believers to share their faith and pursue radical holiness in Christ!” Gabe Van Ryn - Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, CO Central Illinois

  • “Joy!” Ryan Miller - Finances & Donor Management, CO Columbia

  • “I trust God to continue His unifying work in my new marriage!” Alexis Hill - CO Birmingham, UK

  • “I trust God to sanctify my performance-oriented relationship with him and others in my life.” Ryan Taloa - Regional Director, CO Dallas/Ft. Worth

  • “For God to give His followers more compassion to pray for and engage the lost as Christ did! And for followers of Christ to take seriously being laborers in Christ, seeing the urgency of God’s purpose for our lives and those who need to know Him!” Antonio McCurdy - University of West Georgia, CO Birmingham

  • “Trusting God for long-term security/provision for my family.”   Max Aeschlimann, UNA 

  •  “We are trusting God with the birth of our first child next spring!” Bryce Garrell - The Citadel, CO Charleston

  • “I trust God to raise my full support so I can remain on campus. I also trust God to reveal Himself to the students - from the skeptical to the eager!” Corinna Hubbard, NC State, CO Charlotte

  • “New opportunities to get involved with students!” Tahlia Mathew - George Washington University, CO Washington DC

  • “That people come together to create a missional & gospel-centered community, and that people would come to Christ!” Joe Calio - Illinois State University, CO Central Illinois

  • “I am trusting the Lord with good rest.” Melisizwe Manana - Team Leader Johannesburg, South Africa

  • “I’m trusting God to be my refuge and fortress in 2024! I pray that He would be my rock and the one I would run to first and fast.”    Leah Townsend - University of Queensland, Uni Impact, Brisbane

  • “I am asking God to save my family (Michael, Sharon, Kathleen, Allison, Mark, MJ, Addison, Evan, and Matthew).” Laurie Williams - Georgia Tech, CO Atlanta

  • “I trust God to clarify my best contribution to our region.” Andy Hardin - CO Lexington

  • “I am trusting God to build up the student leaders we have and also continue the work he started in those who came to faith last year (Phil. 1:6)” Chase Denton - CO Lusaka

  • “I trust God with 12 Core Leaders to go on our Summer Leadership Project this year and gain a vision for spiritual multiplication.” Eric Fulwider - Univ. of South Carolina at Aiken, CO Augusta

  • “We have had a lot of fruit in the ladies' ministry on the ZCAS Campus, and I trust that the Lord would use us to lead them well.” Alicia Hubbard - CO Lusaka

  • “I trust God to fill me with courage and not fear.” Maclean Wilson, CO Lusaka

  • “We are trusting God for the safe arrival of our baby girl on the 11th of January 2024.” Christo Sadie - Johannesburg, South Africa

  • “For God to provide clear direction with our resource needs in the office.” Carley Naramore - Staff Women’s Shepherd, CO Central Florida

  • “In 2024, I am trusting God to grow a desire in our young believers to share their faith and pursue radical holiness in Christ!” Gabe Van Ryn - Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, CO Central Illinois

  • “For God to raise up men from the University of Alabama to be laborers and for 15 male under-classmen to come to Coastal project.” Hamilton Phillips - Univ. of Alabama, CO Birmingham

  • “Three Minority Students from UWG go with COLEAD!” Joel Ledbetter - Regional Director, CO Birmingham

  • “I have been praying for my dad to come to know the Lord for 40 years, and I’m pretty sure he came to know the Lord about two months ago! I’m praying that he will continue to grow as he’s reading the word for the first time in 60 years.” Isaac Jenkins - Ole Miss, CO Birmingham

  • “To raise up more full-time staff at the George Washington University and that He equips the student leaders to lead the ministry!” Sarah Bishop - George Washington University, CO Washington, DC

  • “We trust God for a van (or any suitable transportation) for our growing family!!” Zach Perkins - UNC Charlotte, CO Charlotte

  • “​​I’m trusting God for a third generation of laborers to be built on the Lynchburg baseball team! I’m discipling a 5th year, Wes, who leads a newly believing sophomore named Trevor. Both are evangelizing broadly, and God has already done so much. I’d love prayer that God raises up the next man!” Reid Goss - Univ. of Lynchburg, CO Lynchburg

  • “I am trusting that God will continue to be “…the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” throughout all of the transitions in 2024 (James 1:17b).” Gloria Obeng-Amoako - CO Monterrey

  • “We trust God for multiplication among our student leaders. We pray for a widespread movement of       2 Timothy 2:2 laborers eager to read the Bible and share the Gospel with their classmates and teammates.” Taylor Lindahl - University of Northwestern-St. Paul, CO Minnesota

  • “Trusting for 15 Seniors in our region to commit to serving overseas for two years and that God would do  ‘immeasurably more!’”  Ben Weber, Area Director, CO Birmingham

  • “That God would send five students to the nations through CO Columbia in the next year!” Landon Tucker - Clemson University, CO Columbia

  • “Rest” Priscila Albuquerque - CO Brazil

  • “We trust God to raise our first CCP team to New Zealand! We also trust God to MULTIPLY our Student Leaders Team. We are currently set to graduate all but 3 of our student leaders, so we trust God to grow a team of 10 this year!” Sam Collins, Field Director, CO San Diego

  • “I trust the Lord to send 60 people next year with Campus Outreach! I am also trusting the Lord to provide for my needs in 2024! “ Daniel Rimmereid - Mobilization Specialist, CO SERVE

  • “We are excited to launch our first summer project, which we believe will serve as the foundation for our ministry in the coming years.” Tony Dentman -  Chicago Area, CO Memphis

  • “Finish my MDiv and get ordained in the PCA.” Bob McGregor - Director of Communication and Support Development, CO SERVE

  • “CO Monterrey is trusting God with its first Summer Beach Project! They are trusting for $15,000 in one-time support, and students and church members will attend.” Alex Chestnut -Tecnologico de Monterrey, CO Monterrey

  • “I trust God to reveal the beauty of the Christian life to the guys I have been sharing with on campus this past year!”  Arie De Witt - IUPUI, CO Indianapolis

  • “Trusting God as I coordinate schedules for a weekly walk with a new neighbor and good friend who doesn’t know Christ. Also, with building raised beds for vegetable gardens.” Samm Poteat - Midwest Network Women’s Coordinator

  • “One thing Columbus is trusting God for is to invest in more students over the summer of 2024. We have revamped and realigned our summer plans with the main hope and goal of finding ways to invest in more students over the summer months.” Patrick Lewis - Regional Director, CO Columbus 

  • “I am trusting God to save my East Asian friend, V.” Rainey Ketcham - ISM @ Auburn University, CO Birmingham

  • “I am trusting God for direction and guidance!” Maria Cruzat - UNC-Charlotte, CO Charlotte

  • “We trust God for five students to join us on our summer training project!” Chase Smith - Western Michigan University, CO Western Michigan 

  • “I'm trusting that God is going to build a pipeline of Australians who are desiring to come on staff with us!” Clay Hubbard - University of Queensland, Uni Impact, Brisbane

  • “I am trusting God for my contentment in 2024.” Laken Miller - University of Southern Indiana, CO Indianapolis

  • -”20 football players to come to CO Minicamp this summer, $2,500 in monthly support, and seven more salvations this semester.” Derrel Mims - Berry College, CO Birmingham

  • “I'm trusting God for strong friendships and community since I have only recently moved to England!” Drew De Sanctis - CO Birmingham, UK

  • “We trust in God to multiply through students being discipled by our staff team!” Billy Kor - St. Thomas, CO Minneapolis

  • “Trusting in God to grow our family with another child.” Aaron Wilson - Northern Kentucky University, CO Lexington

Do you know someone who would want to hold the rope with us? You can direct them to the blog or click here to print an abbreviated copy of the story to share!

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