Called, Committed, and Commissioned

The vision of Campus Outreach is "Glorifying God by building laborers on the campus for the lost world.” CO LEAD serves as a bridge between the campus and the lost world in working specifically with Campus Outreach’s international locations around the globe. Fifteen recent graduates, called by God to serve with CO LEAD in eight different countries, met recently in Birmingham, AL for training. On December 5, 2022, a special service was held to celebrate and commemorate God’s work and commission these new missionaries for ministry.


Rev. David Cunningham, a former CO missionary to Brisbane, Australia, gave the charge during the commissioning service and challenged those present to be anchored in the confidence of God’s call to serve! As they experience the ups and downs of a broken world on the mission field, confidence in their call can provide an assurance to sustain them. Each new staff member was given a certificate of “missionary in good standing” as a physical and tangible reminder of their call and that they are being sent with the support of family, friends, and the CO SERVE agency.

David also reminded these men and women that over the next two years, as they fullfill the LEAD objectives - Learning yourself, Engaging the Culture, Advancing the mission, and Developing your leadership potential - they must make the glory of God their motive and end in all things! He said, “With this as your commitment you will find that in times of success, it will increase your joy, and in times of inevitable struggle and doubt, it will carry you through.”

Most of these men and women will leave in January or February of 2023. Pray with us that God would be gracious to them, bless them, and cause His face to shine upon them so that His ways can be made known among all the nations and His salvation to the end of the earth.

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