Campus Outreach SERVE

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Pray for CO in Dunedin, NZ!

Prayer Requests

1. Pray for wisdom as we explore the most effective ways of evangelising, discipling and mobilising students in this season.

2. Pray for ongoing and increasing student ownership and leadership throughout the current season.

3. Pray for prudence and wisdom as we prepare for the unknown season that exists beyond the current lock down.

Stories of Encouragement

“Last week, one of our staff from TTU got in the Word with two students: One who had become a Christian in October (Matt)  and one who gave his life to Christ the day before (Zac) while talking to Matt. Matt realized recently that one of the reasons he was so open to the Gospel in October was because he had just given up two of his biggest loves in life (volleyball and popularity) in order to move to Cookeville and get a degree. Matt realized that God used him losing those things to reveal how much better Christ is. Matt realized that Zac was now in a similar situation and wanted to point him to the new hope he had found. Matt has been sharing with Zac basically since Matt became a Christian, but Zac’s biggest barriers were partying and girls. Now that Zac is in quarantine, he’s had to give up those things and after talking to Matt, realized that those things are unsatisfying. It just took him being removed from those things to realize it and give his life to Christ.”

Have a story of God continuing to work in the midst of uncertainty you’d like to share? Email

Missed praying with us last week? Check out the videos and prayer requests from each of last week’s locations right here.