Campus Outreach SERVE

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The Summer Beach Project Has a Lasting Impact

I love telling my kids stories from my summers at the Beach Project back “in the 1900s.” They can’t believe I got to live with 150 other college students on the beach for ten weeks, learn about Jesus, share the gospel, and work at McDonald's! While I love to share the fun stories of group dates and discipleship groups, I can’t forgo sharing with them how pivotal these times were in deepening my love for our Savior and shaping my heart for the world.  

Some things have changed since I went to Summer Beach Project! Over 1,300 students attended 12 summer projects around the United States this year. Each project varied in length and theme, but in each location, students were still taught to study the Word for themselves, trained to share the gospel truth, and exposed to the world's need for a Savior.  Lives were changed:

Jaz is a Sophomore at Eastern Illinois University. During the Summer Project in Orlando, Jaz trusted Christ as the Lord of her life. She spent the following weeks telling anyone and everyone that she now has a relationship with the God of the Universe and feels peace and love that she has never known before!

  • Corban, a Junior at Mississippi State, shared, “Project showed me the importance of community in one’s walk with the Lord! God has radically changed my life since Project, and it is something that I wish everyone could experience."

  • The project in Panama City Beach committed a weekend to world vision. Students who recently returned from Cross-Cultural Projects shared their experiences, and staff from CO SERVE, English Language Institute China (ELIC), and other organizations shared real ministry needs/opportunities. The Spirit moved, hearts were changed, and I have a new story to tell my kids:

Tim Davis, President and CEO of ELIC, shared with students the eminent need for nine English teachers to spend nine months in Tunisia. He asked if anyone in the crowd would be willing to go, and a recent graduate from Southern Miss committed. She withdrew from graduate school and made it official. She would need to raise $29,000 and be ready to go in one month.

Two nights after Kayla announced her decision, a student from the University of North Alabama named Martin was prompted by the Spirit and asked Kayla to leave the room. When she exited, Martin announced that if everyone at Project would each give five dollars, it would provide Kayla a great start in support raising. That night, the Project raised $10,000! 

Because of the time invested in the Summer Beach Project, these 1,300+ students will never be the same. Most are returning to campus this fall; we trust they will be faithful with what they have learned. Each has a story to tell, and as they share, others will have the chance to say yes to Jesus.

Do you know someone who would be encouraged by this story? You can direct them to the blog or print a copy to share!

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