Campus Outreach SERVE

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Snapshot: Worldwide Day of Prayer Recap

The Worldwide Day of Prayer (WDOP) is an anticipated event for Campus Outreach SERVE. In its third year, 711 staff, students, supporters, family members, and CO alumni representing 40 regions across 13 countries gathered together in prayer. Participants repeatedly responded with exclamations of how vision-building it was to see laborers from distant places sharing in the common vision for the world and hunger for righteousness.

Clemson staff were encouraged to spend half their Day of Prayer in WDOP calls, and Blake Ward did just that. He prayed with people from DC, Zambia, Baton Rouge, Columbia, Lima, Edinburgh, Lexington, Houston, and Monterrey. He felt immersed in what God is doing worldwide and shared, “I knew how big Campus Outreach’s ministry had grown, but my heart cared more deeply after I got to pray with so many people from so many places.” 

One former staff member shared, “I was on a call with staff from Berry College and Brisbane, Australia, where I worked over twenty years ago. Seeing the faces of laborers still making disciples in these places after so much time was a joy. Praying with them for future fruit was surreal. I can’t wait to do it again next year.” 

One alumnus shared, “I prayed with fellow believers from all over Alabama and Thailand. What a huge blessing! As my 60-year-old self recalled my days at Troy University in the early 1980s, praying with a small group of fellow students and believers and then praying with fellow believers on April 2, 2024, over 40 years later, I was humbled and in awe at God, His steadfast love and faithfulness to his people who pray earnestly for the world to know Him. Tears of joy!”

We have already received reports of answered prayers! Staff at one campus asked for prayer that 50 students would apply to the Summer Beach Project, and 51 applied! Other staff asked God for men to come to faith in Manilla, Philippines, and two men decided to follow Jesus later in the month. We believe God’s Word is true, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much, (James 5:16, KJV)“ and we wait to hear how God moves in the coming months. 

You can hear more personal testimonies about the WDOP on an episode of the Campus Outreach podcast, The StaffCast, which will be released later in May. The Campus Outreach StaffCast is produced by CO Staff for CO Staff. 

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