Campus Outreach SERVE

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On and On and On

by Andy Cheely

Wherever you find Campus Outreach (CO), the ministry process follows a remarkably consistent pattern. A Christian student or CO staff member gets to know a student who doesn't follow Jesus as King. Through relationship, the good news of the gospel of Jesus is shared and becomes fundamental to the student; they become a child of God. That change compels them to learn to walk in their new Savior and the Lord's values, instruction, and character. The relational discipleship process provides this training, which inevitably leads to the "new believer" sharing the gospel with others and then discipling those new believers just as they have been. Jesus did this himself, and it has carried on for millennia. This is precisely what happened to Mitchell.

Mitchell came to know Jesus at the University of South Alabama and began to be discipled. He learned how to study the Bible, pray, share his faith, be a part of a local church, and more. One summer, he went to Brazil on a Cross-Cultural Project. His burden for lost people in other cultures began during this 8-week experience. He decided, after graduation, to go back with CO SERVE’s 2-year LEAD program.

Mitchell arrived in Birmingham, England, in 2021 and soon met a young man from a Muslim background. After investigating the Christian gospel, Willie (not his real name) placed his trust in Jesus as God. He then professed his belief publicly through baptism at the church with which the CO team partners. Shay (not her name) was in the congregation that Sunday, a student from Iraq. Seeing Willie get baptized, she thought, “This is significant,” and began asking Mitchell’s teammate questions. Questions led to meals, investigative Bible studies, and finally, trusting Jesus as her Savior and Lord. She has already helped her sister and brother-in-law come to know Jesus through her testimony. There was a young lady in the congregation when Shay was recently baptized who told her CO friend, “This is a big deal, and I have a lot of questions...”

Mitchell’s initial 2-year commitment ended, and he returned to Alabama for a debriefing time with other LEAD staff. But the debriefing wasn’t focused on re-entry as Mitchell has found the Lord calling him to renew his commitment to overseas service. He got married last month, and together, he and Alexis hope to return in the new year to England for a new, multi-year commitment. 

God is repeating this process of multiplying disciples of Jesus in the lives of hundreds of students worldwide. We have seen Him work in wonderful ways, drawing students to Himself and reaching the lost on campuses that many would consider impossible to reach.

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