Campus Outreach SERVE

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My God Shall Supply. . .

Campus Outreach is building Sustainable, Laborer-Producing, Indigenous, Multiplying (SLIM) Movements worldwide. Historically, Campus Outreach staff have developed financial partnerships to cover the salaries that allow them to serve in ministry full-time. Outside the U.S., the practice of fundraising can clash with cultural norms and expectations. Culture can affect a new staff person’s view of inviting people to give, but God is not limited by culture and continues to use partnership development to sanctify His people — both those giving and receiving.

Alan Andrioni was born in Brazil and was introduced to Campus Outreach during his first week on campus; a visiting CCP student invited him to a party. He surrendered his life to Jesus on the Summer Beach Project that year, and after four years of university, joined the campus staff in Belo-Horizonte. After a year-long salaried internship, it was time for Alan to raise funds for his growing family, and he left for America with his new bride. 

Alan and Junia were overwhelmed by the louder culture, different language, consistent hospitality, and overwhelming generosity. After two months, they drove over 2000 miles in a borrowed car and raised all their needed support. It was a lot of work laced with a LOT of joy. They returned to campus and started in full-time ministry, a life Alan characterized as, “having fun and telling people about Jesus.”

Six years later, the Lord called the Andrionis to join an expansion team headed to England. The couple spent two weeks in America meeting with specific partners about financial increases. They decided they would do what they could and live off what the Lord provided until they could get to the U.K. and better assess their needs. Alan would then return to the states to raise the funds to cover any deficit. It seemed like a good plan. They had all they needed when they arrived in the U.K. In 2020, when Alan found it was time to travel and raise additional funds, the world shut down. The next year's travel plans were thwarted when the Lord moved the ministry from Manchester to Birmingham, but by the end of 2022, Alan knew something had to be done. Their situation had become unhealthy, and Alan determined he needed to develop new partnerships totaling $30,000/year even though travel to America would be difficult.  

Alan prayed, “Lord, I don’t do this job for money. I believe you called us here to an expensive country, and I believe you promised to supply all our needs.  I will do the work I need and trust you to provide.” He sat down and made a list of present partners he felt comfortable approaching to increase their present giving. He went through his 1400+ Facebook friends and made a list of those he would contact to join his team. And then he started writing.  

He began with the present team and never had to go any further. The Lord honored Alan’s efforts and all $30,000/year was committed in two months. And he didn’t have to stop laboring on campus. And he didn’t have to leave his family to travel to America. 

This experience has confirmed Alan’s continued call to labor on the campus for the lost world. “It is an absolute miracle that people take from their fruits and share with others. It is only because of trust in the Lord,“ Alan says.  

To other nationals who are fundraising, Alan’s experience can be an encouragement. Identify the cultural voices you are hearing and recognize which combat the Truth.  American culture is so very unique and it is not crazy to send an email asking for 20 minutes of someone’s time and then asking them to give.  Don’t be afraid to ask! And if you are feeling insecure about the task and need input and direction, the SERVE office is a great help! Alan reached out to Phil Sineath, Director of Advancement and Partnerships, and also Bob McGregor, Director of Communication and Support Development, and found them to be a great resource for understanding, encouragement, prayer, and practical tips.

Take your Father at His word. He has promised to supply all your needs … ask and act.

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