Campus Outreach SERVE

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Kentucky Family Dinners

In response to restrictions placed on large gatherings during the pandemic, campus staff at the University of Kentucky got creative about ways to continue meeting with students and building laborers. There were five staff members at the time and so they divided up those consistently involved in the ministry and invited the maximum allowed by state mandates into each of their homes once a week. While together, they would share a meal and have a short devotion; students LOVED it!

Attempts to return to a traditional weekly campus meeting fell flat. Even with only three staff members remaining, it was decided to continue what had been working: each week they would cram as many folks as needed into their homes. 

The results have been wonderful! Each week students bring their friends; the value of a homecooked meal can not be underestimated. The short devotional has transitioned to a more established lesson plan and since most in attendance are young believers or not yet followers of Christ, the teaching has focused on the Wheel Diagram. 

Morgan McClellan, Campus Outreach staff pictured below on the far right, shared, “Our students are no longer asking if the Gospel is true. Now they are asking, ‘Is it beautiful?’ We are showing them the beauty of Christ.” 

Macy, pictured beside Morgan, became a Christian during her freshman year. Now a senior she shared, “I have never seen hospitality played out like this! I have never seen such generosity with one’s home and finances.” 

The staff prays that the model they are demonstrating will equip these students for their future. Morgan shared, “Every student will have co-workers and friends to invite over for a meal. Hopefully, these dinners will help it feel normal to talk about spiritual things around the table.”

They have a small budget and have found that soup goes a LONG way toward filling bellies. Why not decide who will you have over to share your table this week. and then click here for a recipe that is affordable and easy to scale .

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