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God Is Moving In Monterrey

Venus, Mafer, and Celeste

Mafer is from El Salvador and is studying finance at Monterrey Tech. She came from a Christian home, but her relationship with God hinged on being a good person. Mafer and Venus started meeting regularly to read the Bible and see what it says about Christ as the center of our lives. They spent a semester discussing the gospel and what Christ's death on the cross means. Venus had a front-row seat to see God challenge different areas of Mafer’s life and watch her slowly recognize His Lordship. 

Mafer wrestled with a desire to surrender but felt like she needed to figure out certain areas of her life first. Venus led her through Romans seven and eight, focusing on our enslavement to sin and God’s deliverance through Christ. Mafer realized that she couldn't be "good enough" to come to God but that Jesus paid her debt so she could have a personal relationship with Him. Mafer then decided to make Christ the center of her life! 

God faithfully pursued Mafer and is growing her in many ways! She has started reading the Bible independently for the first time, beginning in the book of John. As she spent daily time with God, she learned more about who He says He is and His character. Mafer shared this highlight from reading John: "I learned more about Jesus' life on earth and his purpose for the salvation of my life from sin. Now I want to live in a way that reflects his story in gratitude and love for his sacrifice and sharing the gospel."

The changes in Mafer’s life have affected her friend, Celeste, who recognized a peace that Mafer didn't have before, and Celeste has grown more curious about God and Christianity. While Celeste was not ready to read the Bible, a happy compromise found the three women reading The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller. 

What a joy to see Mafer share her faith with Celeste and see that coming to Christ impacted her and the people around her. Pray with us that Celeste would identify with the younger son and see her need for a forgiving Father who is waiting to welcome her into His arms.

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