Campus Outreach SERVE

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Cross-Cultural Projects - A Staff Perspective

by Maclean Wilson, LEAD staff with CO Lusaka

Eighteen college students joined us in Lusaka this summer. For all of them, this was their first time in Zambia; for some, it was their first time abroad. They came to spend a month sharing the gospel on university campuses. That month, they also had to get over jet lag, learn how to locate food in the grocery store, get over the nerves of cruising through intersections without traffic lights, and figure out how the local Campus Outreach team operates. With so much seemingly stacked against them, how helpful was this Cross-Cultural Project (CCP) to our staff team?

We have found that students will go anywhere if free food is involved! While the CCP team was here, we hosted braais (cookouts) for the Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies (ZCAS) and the University of Zambia (UNZA). These allow us to meet many students and allow them to hear about the gospel, our church, and our ministry. With the help of the CCP team, we knocked at every dorm room at ZCAS and all the “big flats” at UNZA  to invite people to attend. On each event day, the team returned to every room to encourage those they invited to come to the braais. Ninety students attended each braai and enjoyed food, fellowship, and a gospel presentation. Two students professed faith in Christ.

Not only did the CCP team help to make these events successful, but they also built relationships with individual students. LEAD staff B.J. Ramage has met with two UNZA students for over a year. They were not initially interested in reading the Bible, but their interest has slowly grown throughout the year.

This summer, B.J. brought students from the CCP with her to hang out, and over time, the UNZA students began to ask spiritual questions and show greater interest in the Bible. The CCP students shared testimonies of how God’s grace transformed their lives. During one of these meetings, the two UNZA students repented their sins and put their faith in Christ.

Nine students professed faith in Christ during the month the CCP team was here. Over 180 students heard clear gospel presentations. Countless students were engaged in personal conversations about life, school, family, and faith. With this groundwork done, the way has been paved for the staff to continue to press into these relationships with the gospel in the new semester.

To answer the earlier question, yes! Having the CCP team minister with us for a month was extremely helpful! The team brought energy, extra hands, and a willingness to do whatever they were asked. The month yielded eternal fruit, and we pray and trust that we will continue to see the impact of the CCP team’s time here for months and years to come.

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